X fac·tor
1. A noteworthy special talent or quality
2. A variable in a given situation that could have the most significant impact on the outcome. (Courtesy of Oxford Languages/Google Search)
There are many ways of looking at the wonder that is Intuition. It’s a gift that all of us are hardwired with. It’s a gift from The Divine. I look at intuition as the “X Factor” or “Secret Sauce” that makes life click along smoothly and guides my decisions. Intuition is a game changer in any situation. The key to allowing it to guide your life and decisions is first to be aware that it exists, second to allow the time and space to check in with your inner wisdom, and third, show a willingness to be guided by that inner knowledge. Intuition is like a muscle; the more you work it the stronger it gets. The more The Universe sees that you are receptive to messages sent via your intuition, the more messages you will get. The flow of information is a two-way street. Just as you wouldn’t imagine continuing to knock on a closed door that is never answered, the Universe will end your information stream if you indicate by not answering that you aren’t receptive to receiving and utilizing that information. I always encourage my patients and clients to get in touch with both their feelings and their intuition by allowing time, space, and grace for the journey within. This is the first thing I advise each patient embarking on their surgery coaching journey.
Building inner confidence and certainty that you will have a positive outcome from your surgery is key to achieving that outcome. Intuition and faith have the power to move mountains.
What is Intuition, and How does it work?
Simply put, intuition is the quiet knowing that you get that you may not be able to exactly out your finger on, but you just know. Some great examples are hearing the phone ring, and knowing who is calling you before looking at Caller ID; taking a test that you’ve studied for, and coming upon a question with four options that you are unfamiliar with, but knowing immediately the correct answer to select; inexplicably taking a right turn when you usually turn left, only to later find out that your right turn saved you from being involved in a serious accident that occurred minutes after you made that life-saving right turn. The mental and feeling state most associated with making intuitive choice is being in a state of love. Why love? Because love is the emotion with highest vibrational state, which connects you with in turn with the highest vibrational ideas and insights. (1) You get the guidance and revelations that allow you to live your highest and best life. So, the pre-requisite, if you will, for receiving that awesome intuitive information is being in a positive and receptive frame of mind. Lower vibration emotions like fear, anger, or despair won’t get you to that sweet intuitive spot where the answers you need bloom like flowers in the garden of your calm and tranquil mind. I have a great example of the nuts and bolts of allowing your intuition to guide you with a recent experience connected with work.
After the Freakout, GET QUIET AND LISTEN
I was on schedule to get my July 8th week blog out, when I got a call from the work scheduler (I’m a self-employed contractor), with a last-minute scheduled vendor cancellation for no good reason, and with no clear, logical explanation or etiology. My emotions ran the gamut from shock to anger (I got to anger quickly). It was a short work month with the July 4th holiday, including a vacation I was taking later in the month. I had selected my work dates and sites with care such as to provide me with the optimal amount of work to produce a certain revenue level for the month. This cancellation blew a portion of that careful plan out of the water. I’m a planner, and 90% of the time I think in terms of my plans executing perfectly, while being aware that everything happens for a reason. However, I wasn’t exactly rational and filled with kumbaya and positivity when this workday got cancelled. I was annoyed and headed to the cliff of “OMG, this is a DISASTER” when I closed my laptop and stopped further writing on my blog, because I had gotten caught up in my crazy. I took the night off, took a walk, and had a never during the work week cocktail to help me unwind. I also had a nice dinner and a good night’s sleep to clear my head. I have found that for me, anger literally makes me see red, and makes my blood boil over. It clouds my intuitive information compass and any messages the Universe has for me. I know and believe strongly that no good decision is ever made in anger, so I let myself feel my emotions, and go over the cliff that night, knowing that these things, too were necessary for my process.
"“So what do I do when I’m caught up in my crazy? I recognize the chaotic thoughts as my resistance to love. I witness the thoughts and remember that they are blocking me from my true connection to the Universe. Then I get out of the way.” (2) Gabby Bernstein
The next day after some time in nature and meditation, and most importantly, anger gone, I got some Universal guidance on how to proceed. I sent an invoice billing the vendor for the last-minute cancellation, since it demonstrably hurt my company’s bottom line and assured that I could not secure any other work for the day that was cancelled. I also created new rules of engagement with clear consequences and penalties for failure to perform for the vendor, and presented it in a clear, concise and professional email. The intuitive solution to my problem came when I was in a positive frame of mind. I went on to have a great workday, and evening, since I cleared the stress and anger and static of the situation out of my energy field, embarked on a focused action and solution and focused only of my desired outcome. Early on the second day after the cancellation, I got a written apology from my vendor, an agreement to pay my cancellation fee, and request for dialogue so that the working relationship that we had enjoyed would continue in a positive fashion. My process was simple:
I FREAKED OUT - Felt my emotions and let them wash through me.
GOT QUIET - A walk in nature without earbuds is my ticket to sanity
CLEARED THE STATIC - Came back to a positive and centered state
I immediately realized the way I managed the situation was exactly like techniques I used when helping patients who are terrified before surgery to enter a calm and focused state (I truly field test all my coaching and life-management techniques before using them on others…PROMISE!)
Know Thyself: The power of observation and listening to your body
The past two weeks watching the Olympics, and the amazing athletes at the peak of their craft and sport made me realize something. The athletes are also masters at the art of observing and listening to their bodies, and the intuitive information they obtain from this journey within. I’m not at all saying that the athletes aren’t highly trained and skilled at their sport. But they also had that X factor; that intuitive knowledge of how best to make the effort to give the very best result for the situations facing them. Factoring in knowledge of their physical state, with the known capabilities and habits of competitors, facts and observation from their coaches, scouting and assessment of the physical situation of the arena or situation where they would be competing was followed by their intuitive summation of all these factors and taking the action based on this inner knowledge. It’s the thing in sports called being in the zone. Yup, intuition hard at work with incredible training, raw talent, conditioning, and coaching. My next blog will show how non-athletes can use this same intuitive observation and tuning into their body to solve all types of issues and problems. Intuition, IS the X factor.
**FOR THE RECORD: I have likely read The Universe Your Back between 5-6 times AND listened to it on audiobook almost as often. Can’t tell you the chills I got when I re-listened to it…or when I reread yet another life changing/just at the right time passage. It has been a reliable source and gamechanger in my life and career. Honestly, I think everyone has such an influential and pivotal source that they encounter in life.
A year ago, one of my very wise teachers told me that her biggest message for me was “The Universe Has Your Back”. Intuitively I knew she was right and did just that. Yet another X-Factor/Intuition score. It really is that simple.
Chapter 2: You Are The Dreamer Of Your Dream in The Universe Has your Back: Transform Fear to Faith by Gabby Bernstein
Chapter 4 Your Vibes Speak Louder Than Your Words in The Universe Has your Back